Fruit Flies



Illustrated orchard map

Wild Adventure
map illustration

The Future of Bees

5 Inconvenient Facts About Food Overproduction

Pirate Adventures
map illustration

Secret Mission
map illustration

Research and Rescue Station in Costa Rica
editorial illustration, animation

Enchanted Land
map illustration

Animals of Central & South America
animal spot illustration

Enclosure for toucans
editorial illustration

Bees illustrations
spot illustration

Animated bee icons
animated icons

Boar piglet
poster, animal illustration

Educational bats illustrations
animal spot illustration

Rescue Misson: Australia
print, colorbook, stickers, animation

Deep Sea Creatures
animal illustration

Wall measure with animals
print, wall measure for kids

Coral reef icons

Borneo Icons

Let the grill season begin!
character design, spot illustration

Imperium Flatorum
flat character design